it'll be a good thing if you know what's that.. dunno then too bad~ ):
it's something like the Y shape thingy, then shoot stone. blahblahblah~ understooded?
WOOOOTS~ camp was kinda fun(?)
first lesson was about TEAMWORK. grouped up with Jean, Joel, Khai, Haikal, Agil, Shaffree & Hazim~ was damn freaking funny sehhh~ xD especially when Agil shout "1,2,3 JUMP!" non-stop when they are playing the warship game, HAHAHA! then the guys built the Catapult, they use their hands to throw the ball & claimed that they got it in at the first go, the teacher still believe.HAH!
then Ms Cheong came by.. saying that she like the part where the ball is being placed at.
(okay, i know it begin to sound wrong over here.)
THEN, while Shaffree was doing the "Catapult", he replied,
"This is where we call the private part." HAHAHA!
straight away make teacher bwk =X
next up was about GOAL. quite... boring =S but the teacher very... =| cos she can faint anytime when she was talking. so.. KONG BU =X but overall okok lorzxzxzxzxz~
after that had break~
then had talk by Mr Barton! errr.. somehow forget what it's about =p but the talk okok also =pp
had 1 hour break later, SUPER BORE! but was chatting all the while with Szeh & Cecelia :DD
lastly, something about VISUALISATION! fun fun fun! cos all along draw & draw & draw~~ helped Jean draw her BIGGG house & SPORTS CAR & a SWIMMING POOL! LOL! then helped Thiam ming draw a boat, HAHA! funny seh~~
after the workshops had KFC with Szeh & Cecelia ^-----^ chat till very fun thou, especially Szeh's 'sour expression' HAHAHA! and finally there is RAIN! ytd's night weather was like so OHMAIIGAWD LAH! 29-30 DEGREES YOU KNOW! zzz. make me have difficulty sleeping ~____~ anw, i felt so good after my 2 hours nap just now. ooppps :x hoho~
it have been sucha long time since i wrote sooooo many things =pp, LOL! btw, MX wun be at home this whole week! obs.obs.obs~~
the whole bed is mineeee~ ^----^ LOL! but will be bored also =/ and my dad just show me a news on Pulau Ubin haunted house o_____o
okaieee, end here!
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